af pss | sep 30, 2022 | Ireland, News, SIATE, Social inclusion, Social inklusion
Social Inclusion and Entrepreneurship By Dr. Alan Bruce, Universal Learning Systems Social Inclusion and Entrepreneurship in Ireland: Policy and Context A contribution to the SIATE project Dr. Alan Bruce Universal Learning Systems Introduction This document...
af pss | sep 1, 2022 | Erasmus+, Results, Social inclusion
Entrepreneurship Education Checklist EE model Checklist for practitioners and educators working with vulnerable/disadvantaged groups in the field of Entrepreneurship Education Based on the spider web and the most important research results we have developed a...
af pss | jul 14, 2022 | Erasmus+, News, SIATE
Entrepreneurship Education model EE model Until June 2021 we have collected a number of 25 EE templates/policies/programmes/projects from all the project partners and started to analyze them according to their communalities and differences. Three common elements have...
af pss | maj 15, 2022 | Denmark, Policy Briefs, Results, SIATE, Social inclusion, Social inklusion
Politik- Notat Danmark Politik – notat ENTREPRENØRSKAB SKAL IND I VOKSENUDDANNELSERNE To afholdte konferencer i efteråret 2021 i regi af EU-projekt SIATE har været med til at fokusere på nødvendigheden af, at entreprenørskab og innovation i fremtiden kan være...
af pss | maj 15, 2022 | Denmark, Policy Briefs, Results
National Policy Brief Denmark Danish national policy brief This policy brief summarises the key findings from the SIATE conferences in Denmark, with a particular focus on social entrepreneurship and its impact on adult education. With this policy brief, we aim to...