Social entreprenørskab - europæsiske anbefalinger VUC Storstrøm Entreprenørskab i voksenuddannelse – hvad skal der til? Rasmus Kristiansen Det europæiske projekt SIATE – Social Inclusion of Adults Through Entrepreneurship – havde sin afsluttende konference i den...
Be inspired HF & VUC Fyn By Lars D. Evind and Michael S. Brock, HF & VUC Fyn As Higher preparatory single subject teachers at HF & VUC FYN, we have participated in the SIATE project, and based on our experiences from the project, we will here provide...
Teaching Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion Paper Teaching Entrepreneurship for Social Inclusion Alan Bruce, Universal Learning Systems, Ireland ( Pernille Skov Sørensen VUC, Denmark, ( It is widely argued in...
Politik- Notat Danmark Politik – notat ENTREPRENØRSKAB SKAL IND I VOKSENUDDANNELSERNE To afholdte konferencer i efteråret 2021 i regi af EU-projekt SIATE har været med til at fokusere på nødvendigheden af, at entreprenørskab og innovation i fremtiden kan være...
National Policy Brief Denmark Danish national policy brief This policy brief summarises the key findings from the SIATE conferences in Denmark, with a particular focus on social entrepreneurship and its impact on adult education. With this policy brief, we aim to...
We are proud to announce the first national conference in DK. The first conference on 13th of October will be located at HF and VUC Fyn, the spoken language will be Danish. You find the program here: The second...