af pss | jun 3, 2023 | News, Partners, Policy Briefs, SIATE
National Policy Brief Italy Italian national policy brief This policy brief focuses on the insights gained during the Italian international conferences held in Rome on 28th of September 2022 under the umbrella of the EU Erasmus+ KA3 project SIATE, which involves fives...
af pss | jun 1, 2023 | News, Partners, Policy Briefs, Results, SIATE, Social inclusion
National Policy Brief Norway Norwegian national policy brief This policy brief focusses on the insights gained during the Norwegian international conferences held in Sandefjord on March 9th, 2023, under the umbrella of the EU Erasmus+ KA3 project SIATE.The SIATE...
af pss | sep 30, 2022 | Ireland, News, SIATE, Social inclusion, Social inklusion
Social Inclusion and Entrepreneurship By Dr. Alan Bruce, Universal Learning Systems Social Inclusion and Entrepreneurship in Ireland: Policy and Context A contribution to the SIATE project Dr. Alan Bruce Universal Learning Systems Introduction This document...
af pss | jul 14, 2022 | Erasmus+, News, SIATE
Entrepreneurship Education model EE model Until June 2021 we have collected a number of 25 EE templates/policies/programmes/projects from all the project partners and started to analyze them according to their communalities and differences. Three common elements have...
af pss | maj 15, 2022 | Denmark, Policy Briefs, Results, SIATE, Social inclusion, Social inklusion
Politik- Notat Danmark Politik – notat ENTREPRENØRSKAB SKAL IND I VOKSENUDDANNELSERNE To afholdte konferencer i efteråret 2021 i regi af EU-projekt SIATE har været med til at fokusere på nødvendigheden af, at entreprenørskab og innovation i fremtiden kan være...
af pss | sep 16, 2021 | Conferences, Denmark, Erasmus+, Fonden for entreprenørskab, News, SIATE, Social inclusion, Social inklusion
We are proud to announce the first national conference in DK. The first conference on 13th of October will be located at HF and VUC Fyn, the spoken language will be Danish. You find the program here: The second...