BlogpostsSocial Inclusion and Entrepreneurship in Ireland: Policy and Context
Social Inclusion and Entrepreneurship in Ireland: Policy and Context A contribution to the SIATE project Dr. Alan Bruce Universal Learning Systems Introduction This document describes the current state of policy and context of social inclusion though...
Checklist for practitioners and educators
Checklist for practitioners and educators working with vulnerable/disadvantaged groups in the field of Entrepreneurship Education Based on the spider web and the most important research results we have developed a checklist for practitioners and educators working with...
EE model
Until June 2021 we have collected a number of 25 EE templates/policies/programmes/projects from all the project partners and started to analyze them according to their communalities and differences. Three common elements have crystallized that impact the EE landscape...
Nationalt policy brief DK
Politik - notat ENTREPRENØRSKAB SKAL IND I VOKSENUDDANNELSERNE To afholdte konferencer i efteråret 2021 i regi af EU-projekt SIATE har været med til at fokusere på nødvendigheden af, at entreprenørskab og innovation i fremtiden kan være med til at videreudvikle og...
National Policy Brief Denmark
Danish national policy brief This policy brief summarises the key findings from the SIATE conferences in Denmark, with a particular focus on social entrepreneurship and its impact on adult education. With this policy brief, we aim to highlight the key findings and...
VUC Storstrøm
VUC Storstrøm Is an adult education centre with approximately 180 employees of which 140 are teachers. We have about 3000 fulltime / part time students in 2020 with a turnover of approximately 16 M€. VUC Storstrøm covers a region with about 270000 inhabitants in a...
Entreprenørskab i dansk voksenuddannelse
Social inklusion og entreprenørskab - et bud på en dansk vej fremad Rasmus Kristiansen Onsdag d. 25. november lagde Hotel Nyborg Strand hus til en international konference om social inklusion gennem entreprenøruddannelse. Politikens uddannelsesredaktør Jacob Fuglsang...
Entreprenørskab og voksenuddannelse
Stort potentiale i koblingen af entreprenørskab og voksenuddannelse Rasmus Kristiansen Onsdag d. 13. oktober var Hf og VUC Fyn og VUC Storstrøm værter ved en konference om Innovation og Entreprenørskab i voksenuddannelse. Konferencen var det første spæde skridt i...
SIATE National Conference DK
We are proud to announce the first national conference in DK. The first conference on 13th of October will be located at HF and VUC Fyn, the spoken language will be Danish. You find the program here: The second...
Entreprenørskab som social inklusion?
Nyt Erasmus KA3-projekt "SIATE" vil skabe fundamentet for entreprenørskabsundervisning i voksenuddannelse Rasmus Kristiansen Entreprenørskab behøver ikke kun handle om apps, digitale løsninger og dyre salg til kapitalfonde. Det kan også handle om at starte et...